There are two ways to enter or import realized data in Mercury. Firstly, you can enter the required values manually in your plan. Secondly, if a connector and a pipeline have been set up in advance, the data can be automatically imported from the source system (e.g. AdServer) to Mercury using the AdServer-placement-ID.

If you use the automated import and find that the synchronization between Mercury and the delivering systems does not take place, the following points should always be checked as a first step: 

  1. Have the AdServer-placement-IDs been stored in the correct places?
    Depending on the system, the AdServer-placement-IDs must be stored in certain fields or in certain names. This article explains where and for which system this must be done: Where do I store the Adserver-Placement-ID in the delivering systems?
  2. Are the correct AdServer-placement-IDs stored?
    Depending on the system, the AdServer-placement-IDs must be stored in certain fields or in certain names. This article explains where and for which system this must be done: Where do I store the AdServer-placement-ID in the delivering systems?
  3. Are the correct AdServer-placement-IDs stored?
    In order for the data to be imported correctly to Mercury and a plan item, it is important that the correct AdServer-placement-ID is stored. Compare the ID of your plan item from Mercury with the ID stored in the source system. If you find any discrepancies here, enter the ID from Mercury in the source system.
  4. Is the performance, optionally also the cost sync, switched on?
    By right-clicking on a plan item, for example, you can activate and deactivate the sync of the plan item for performance data (all metrics except for costs) and separately for costs (if you have the right to do so). Check whether the syncs are switched on. If not, activate the required sync.
  5. Are the affected plan items externally approved?
    Plan items that have not yet been externally approved are not synchronized. The reason for this is that if something has not yet been approved, it should not actually be booked/delivered. Therefore, when working in Mercury, make sure that you also update the status of all finally planned plan items. Mercury only imports the data from the source systems with the status "externally approved".
  6. Has the runtime of the plan item been entered correctly?
    Mercury imports the data based on the runtime of the plan item. If, for example, a placement in the AdServer starts one day earlier than the runtime of the plan item in Mercury, Mercury will not take this day into account when importing. Therefore, always keep the runtimes of the plan items synchronized with the actual delivery. 

If you do not find any discrepancies in the points listed above, please contact your Mercury KeyUser contact or use the Mercury ticketing tool. The KeyUser or MMT Support will then check the case with you. 

Important initial information for the support team to check the case is:

  • Link to the campaign or the campaign ID (can be found in the URL immediately after "campaigns/")
  • ID of the affected plan item (plan item ID or, even better, the AdServer-placement-ID)