MMT Mercury is a media management platform designed to help you efficiently buy, manage and report on omni-channel advertising campaigns in real time.
2. Managing Publishers and Mediums
6. Establishing connections (Data pipelines)
All above listed parameters can be accessed from your main page, in the top right corner, by clicking on the ≡ button
1. Managing users
- To preview/update/manage the Users list, please click on the User tab from the main menu ≡ .
- To modify/delete an existing user please click on the of the marked buttons (respectively)
- New users can be created by clicking on ⊕User , after filling all the mandatory information, global roles must be picked.
For more information regarding roles and permissions please click here
2. Managing Publishers and Mediums
The list of all of your publishers (active/inactive) can be accessed from the main bar ≡ by clicking on Publisher
Please note that all fields will be empty when just starting to use the platform
- To widen or narrow a column just drag the ︳sign from any of the margins
. - To apply some filters on a column please click on ≡ near each column from the header, the below dropdown should pop up
- Clicking on the |||| symbol will expand a list with all on your columns, you can check which columns should be displayed.
- Clicking on the Media or Contacts buttons will redirect you to the respective tables relevant to the selected publisher
- To Delete an entry from the list, click on the Delete option from the Actions column
Uploading Publishers:
- To include a new publisher in the list, please insert it's Name, Language, Country and Cash discount (if not applicable please insert 0) and click on ⊕ Publisher
- Once added the new publisher will be displayed in the list, it can also be located using the search bar
- To fill in or edit the information displayed in a cell, simply click on it with your mouse and start typing
To be able to select this publisher for a campaign the Active box has to be checked
If you have a special contract with this publisher and would like to select him as a primary option, you could check the Preferred box
- To finalise the adding process, please click on both Media and Contacts tabs and will in all the missing information
Publishers can be uploaded as bulk from a .CVS file if it meets the fields criteria, for more details about this process please contact our support team.
For DACH region only: Publishers can also be updated as a bulk from your account on Wasmuth Media Services, please contact our support team for more details.
Managing media:
Mercury Media uses a central publisher management tool to store important publisher data. It can also be used to create, edit and delete media.
Please note that each medium is assigned to a publisher to ensure that media are available for planning in a standardised format. (In some cases, multiple publishers may offer the same medium. When this happens, the medium appears more than once in Mercury Media)
In addition to managing media in the central publisher management tool, you can also directly create media by using the relevant form when creating offers or plan items.
Media can only be created by authorised users.
For DACH region only: When Mercury Media contains Wasmuth(MSW)data, a large amount of inventory is directly available. The only difference between Wasmuth data and the manually entered one is that MSW data can not be deleted or changed.
Note: Missing or incorrect/incomplete information can be quickly rectified in consultation with MSW as it is being daily updated.
Creating a medium:
- To review all the media attributed to a publisher, click on the respective blue field on that publishers row
- To add a new medium to a publisher, please insert it's name in the top right corner of the screen and select the matching channel for it
- After the new medium was created, all remaining empty fields can be completed by clicking on them,
Title no.- the name/order number of the image
Accounting system ID - Invoicing IDs are used to clearly identify media in external invoicing systems. The ID that has been assigned to the medium in the external invoicing system (e.g. Ad’visor) is stored here.
No invoice - usually is checked when booking media without a one-to-one relationship between client booking and agency booking, such media are marked for informing the responsible billing department
(This may be the case for pro grammatical bookings, for example.) - To Delete an entry from the list, click on the Delete option from the Actions column and confirm the deletion
Attributing placements to a medium:
- To review all the placements for a medium, please locate the publisher information related to it from the main bar, then click on the blued text Medium and from the new displayed table click on the blued Placements tab on the entry line of your interest
- To create a new placement for a medium, please insert its' name and select the placement type and click on ⊕ Placement
- To fill in or edit the information displayed in a cell, simply click on it with your mouse and start typing
. - To Delete an entry from the list, click on the Delete option from the Actions column and confirm the deletion
3. Introducing Channels
Channels are used to classify media in Mercury, for example Apps, Mobile, TV, Multiscreen, Online, Search, Social
The list of all of your channels (active/inactive) can be accessed from the main bar ≡ by clicking on Channels
Creating a channel:
- To create a new channel please insert a name for it in the Name field and choose the Channel type, then click on the ⊕ Channel button
- Once added the new publisher will be displayed in the list, it can also be located using the search bar
Editing/Deleting channels:
- To fill in or edit the information displayed in a cell, simply click on it with your mouse and start typing
- To Delete an entry from the list, click on the Delete option from the Actions column and confirm the deletion
Deleted rows can always be restored in all tables after clicking on ☑Show deleted entries? and then the Restore button on the desired row
4. Placement types
Using placement types to categorise the placements ensures that they have a common property that enables you to evaluate statistical data of all “run of site” placements across publishers, for example.
Examples of different placements with an identical placement type:
Cars (run of channel) and baby (run of channel)
ProSieben DE (run of network) and Burda Forward DE (run of network)
The list of all your existing placement types can be accessed by clicking on Placement types tab from the main bar ≡

Creating & editing placement types:
- To add a new entry, please click on ⊕ Placement type after filling in its' name and choosing the Channel type
- Once added, the new channel type will be displayed in the list, it can also be located using the search bar
- To fill in or edit the information displayed in a cell, simply click on it with your mouse and start typing
. - To Delete an entry from the list, click on the Delete option from the Actions column
Modification of placement types affects existing plan items that use those placement types.
Deleted placement types will be kept for existing placements but will not be available for new placements. Plan items with deleted placements cannot be copied.
Placement types from external sources (e.g. Mediaservice Wasmuth) cannot be edited or deleted.
5. Managing technical systems
A thoughtful management of technical systems will determine the accuracy of the technical costs displayed in the system.
Authorised users can maintain a list of technical systems (e.g. ad server, ad verification and tracking tools, etc.).
Technical systems are not used directly. They are used to bundle technical components.
A list of all of your technical systems can be accessed from the main bar ≡ by clicking on Technical Systems
. .
- To fill in or edit the information displayed in a cell, simply click on it with your mouse and start typing
- To Delete an entry from the list, click on the Delete option from the Actions column and confirm the deletion
Creating a new technical system:
- To create a new technical system, please insert its' Accounting system ID and Name and click on
⊕ Technical system.
- Once added, the new technical system will be displayed in the list, it can also be located using the search bar
6. Establishing connections (Data pipelines)
For automatic data synchronisation between Mercury and Adform/Google Campaign Manager /Flashtalking/ Adwords please connect them to your account.
For updating or adding data pipelines please follow the below mentioned steps:
- From the main menu bar click on ≡ and select the Data Pipelines tab
- On the freshly opened Connections page data lines can be deleted, added or modified
- To add a data source please click on ⊕Add Connection , select a data provider from the dropdown list and connect to your account.
Attention: Adding a connection requires the page to redirect you to the log in page of the provider, for safety and privacy reasons, please use a safe network
Note: Connections can be attributed to certain user profiles and renamed. Please do not forget to set up the interval between synchronisations "Pipeline Schedule" and the desired period "Generate Report for Last X Days"
7. Managing agency offers
To Review/Add/Modify or Remove offers please click on the Agency proposals tab from the main bar ≡
Creating a new offer:
- Click on ⊕ Create New Offer button
- Each offer has several sections which have to be filled with information, please note that fields marked with red dots ( ● ) are mandatory.
Section 1
● Please type in a name for the new offer in the Name field
● Description field can be used to specify the details of the offer
● Attributes not modifiable in media plan section allows you to select which variables should not be impacted by the new offer
Section 2
● Please select the Publisher which provided the offer
● Select the Contact person from publishers company who should receive information regarding the offer
● Channel type field should be use to specify which Media channel will be affected by the new offer
● External Proposal ID is the number/code attributed to this offer in your (or your publisher's) accounting system
● Validity subsection determines the period in which the offer will be active
● Please select the Run Times when the offer will be applied
Section 3
● Please select/add the Medium which would be covered by the offer
● Please select the Placement where the creative content will be displayed
● Please select the Creatives which are included in the Offer
● Some explanatory details or additional informations can be added in the comment boxes
Section 4
● Please select/add the Pricing model for the new offer
● Please insert the Gross Price of the offer
● Please fill in the Quoted volume which is indicated in the publishers proposal
? Explanatory information for the rest of the optional fields can be accessed by dragging your mouse over this sign
Section 5
● This section has no mandatory fields as depending on the offer, discounts might not be applicable
? Please check the information presented under this sign to identify whether or not your new offer might qualify for any discount type
8. Tax components
The list of all your Tax Components can be accessed from the main bar ≡ by clicking on Tax components
- An entry (new tax) can be added to the list by inserting the Name, Percentage, Label and Country in the text boxes from the top right corner and pressing on the ⊕ Tax Component button
- Once added the tax component will be displayed in the list, it can also be located using the search bar
- To fill in or edit the information displayed in a cell, simply click on it with your mouse and start typing
- To Delete an entry from the list, click on the Delete option from the Actions column and confirm the deletion
9. Invoicing models
Media bookings are either invoiced as a fixed price or the costs are based on the amount booked and delivered impressions. Invoicing models in Mercury Media can also vary according to the booked units.
Conversion types
Some invoicing models allow establishing a conversion type, it must be entered for CPX and fixed price (X).
The following deliverables can be selected:
- Actions
- Downloads
- Engagements
- Installs
- Leads
- Orders
- Registrations
For the CPX and fixed price (X) invoicing models, conversion type determines the booked amount.
For all other invoicing models, the number of possible conversions can be forecasted for the respective conversion type. A conversion forecast requires the provision of a conversion rate forecast (for invoicing models CPC and fixed price (clicks) and, if applicable, click-through forecasts (for invoicing models TKP and fixed price (AI))
The following invoicing types can be selected and applied:
Ad impressions are booked and the price is based on 1000 delivered impressions. If the delivered amount is exceeding the booked amount, costs are capped at 100% of the booked amount. - Fixed price (Impressions)
Ad impressions are booked and 100% is charged regardless of the delivered amount. - CPC
Clicks are booked and price refers to one delivered click. If the clicks amount is exceeding the booked amount of clicks, costs are capped at 100% of the booked amount. - Fixed price (Clicks)
Clicks are booked and 100% of the price is charged regardless of the delivered amount. - Email
Emails are booked and 100% of the price is charged, due to the booked and delivered amounts being usually the same. - CPX
When booking CPX, a conversion type has to be specified to determine the unit booked (X in CPX). One of the following units can be selected:- Actions
- Downloads
- Engagements
- Installs
- Leads
- Orders
- Registrations
The price refers to the one type X conversion delivered. If more than the booked amount is delivered, costs are capped at 100% of the amount booked.
- Fixed price X
When booking fixed price (X), a conversion type must be specify the unit booked (the X).
Type X conversions are booked and 100% of the price is charged regardless of the delivered amount - CPV
Views are booked and the price refers to one click delivered. If the clicked amount is higher than the booked one, costs are capped at 100% of the amount booked.
Accounting models for Video
This subsection is explanatory for the cost-per-view (CPV) and fixed-price (views) accounting models available in Mercury Media for campaign video planning.
For dependent KPI's, e.g. Impressions, clicks or conversions to be calculated, the forecast values must be specified by the media planner.
Click-through-Rate (CTR)
CTR is used for the CPV billing model to calculate the expected clicks.
Clicks = Impressions * CTR
Conversion Rate (CR)
CR is used in the CPV billing model to calculate the expected conversions
Conversions = Impressions * CTR * CR
View-through-Rate (VTR)
VTR is used in CPV to calculate the expected impressions. Each call to the video is considered an impression, so that TVR allows you to forecast the amount of impressions needed for a completed view.
Impressions = Views / VTR
Application on billing models:
For Cost-per-View (CPV), a volume settlement model and a fixed-price pricing model are available.
Cost-per-view (CPV)
With the billing model CPV, every completed view is billed.
Cost (gross) = Completed Views * CPV
Fixed Price Views
With the billing model Fixed Price Views, a flat rate is billed.
Cost (gross) = price (gross)
In order to show expected performance, a forecast volume and a guarantee volume can be specified (as in other fixed-price models). The basis for the calculation of forecast KPIs is always calculated with the forecast volume. If no forecast volume is defined, the guaranteed volume is used instead for the calculations.
Reporting possibilities
In addition to the "Completed Views", there is also the option to view the individual quartiles for reporting purposes (25%, 50%, 75%, 100%). These are also given via adserver matching if configured accordingly.
- Fixed price (Views)
Views are booked and 100% of the price is charged regardless of the amount delivered.