Categories and campaigns can be moved within the category tree.

This authorization must be selected accordingly in Role Management.

Moving a category

  1. Click on the “Move” button within the category you want to move.
  2. Select the category to which you want to move your category from the dropdown or via the search.
  3. Click on “Ok” to move the category.

Note: To be able to move a category, Mercury checks the following conditions. Mercury will only allow the move if all of these are met:

  • Technical components:
    The same components must be available in the target category.
  • Fees:
    The same building blocks must be available in the target category.
  • Category Definition:
    The attributes defined for the category (customer, product category, product) must remain in this order. Example: A category (customer) can not be moved under another category (customer).

Is one of the o.g. Conditions not fulfilled, a corresponding error message appears.

Moving a campaign is done on the scenario selection:

Moving a campaign

  1. Open the campaign you want to move by clicking on the campaign name. Moving a campaign is done via the scenario level.
  2. Click on the “Move” button.
  3. Select the category you want to move the campaign to from the dropdown or via the search.
  4. Click on “Ok” to move the campaign:

Note: As with moving categories, the following attributes of the target category are checked:

  • Technical components:
    The same components must be available in the target category.
  • Fees:
    The same building blocks must be available in the target category.