Below you will find an overview of all rights available under the category roles. Please note that depending on which Mercury license you have, not all rights/features may be available in your tenant. If you have any questions or requests, please get in touch with your MMT contact.

Category roleExplanation
Manage ad server dataAllows the user to manually reload the AdServer data from the backend into the planning frontend within a campaign. Please only allow a few trained persons to do this after brief consultation with MMT.
Trigger ad server data syncAllows the setting and editing of ad server placement IDs on the planning line within the media plan. This is an essential basic requirement for importing realized delivery data to the plan line.
Manage ad server placement IDsEnables the creation, editing and deletion of fees at category level.
Manage agency fee modelsAllows existing fees to be edited at category level
Edit agency fee modelsAllows you to view the fees stored at category level.
View agency fee modelsAllows you to view the fees stored at category level
Copy campaignsAllows campaigns to be copied
Create campaignsAllows campaigns to be created
Delete campaignsAllows campaigns to be deleted.
Note: For this to be possible, the campaign must be empty. This means that you must first ensure that all plan items have been deleted. Then all scenarios must be deleted. Only now does Mercury allow the campaign to be deleted and displays the “Delete” button.
List campaignsAllows the view of campaigns (only the name of the campaign) within the category. If this permission is not granted, the user cannot view which campaigns exist, for example. If at all, a user can then only access the corresponding campaigns via URL.
Move campaignAllows the user to move campaigns from one category to another.
Note: Campaigns can only be moved by a user to categories to which they also have access rights.
Show campaignAllows campaigns to be viewed (plan line view) within the category.
Edit campaignsAllows the editing of campaign settings
Update preferred agency fee modelAllows the setting of a preferred fee model in the category settings
View campaign briefingAllows the view of campaign briefings in the category settings
Edit campaign briefingAllows editing of campaign briefings in the category settings
View categoriesAllows you to view categories (category tree)
Edit categoriesAllows the editing of categories
Grant internal approval for plan itemsAllows you to set the internal release in the plan
Grant external approval for plan itemsAllows external approval to be set in the plan
Manage category permissionsAllows you to manage category authorizations
Move categoryAllows categories to be moved.
Note: Categories can only be moved by a user to categories to which they also have access rights.
Manage contractual dataAllows the editing of contract data
Edit contractual dataAllows the editing of existing contract data
View contractual dataAllows contract data to be viewed
Manage invoicing dataAllows editing of invoice data in the category settings
Edit invoicing dataAllows editing of existing invoice data in the category settings
View invoicing dataAllows invoice data to be viewed in the category settings
Manage plan item labelsAllows the creation, editing and deactivation of labels at category level
Copy offersAllows offers to be copied
Create offersAllows the creation of offers
Delete offersAllows offers to be deleted
List offersAllows offers to be displayed
Edit offersAllows offers to be edited
Create plan itemsAllows the creation of new plan items in the plan (e.g. by copying)
Send availability request emailsAllows availability requests to be sent for plan items created in the plan
Perform publisher insertion ordersAllows you to send bookings of individual or multiple schedule lines directly from the system.
Send status emailsAllows you to send an e-mail containing the delivery status of one or more planning lines (slight/heavy over/underdelivery or on plan).
Edit plan itemsAllows the editing of plan items
Create scenariosAllows the creation of scenarios
Delete scenariosAllows scenarios to be deleted
Show planning pageAllows you to view the media planning page within the scenario
Edit scenariosAllows the editing of scenarios
View technical componentsAllows the view of technical modules in the category settings
Edit technical componentsAllows editing of technical building blocks in the category settings
View media plan export configurationAllows the “Export configuration” function to be viewed in the category settings
Manage media plan export configurationAllows the editing of “Export configurations” in the category settings
Use campaign communicationAllows the use of campaign communication within the plan.
Note: This may require the IP address of the publisher to be stored in the marketer administration.
View reporting centerAllows access to the Reporting Center.
Note: Users only ever see the content from the categories to which they have been granted access with this right.
Use AdServer APIlegacy - not relevant
Manage audience segmentsAllows the editing and creation of target group segments
Manage cost dataAllows the activation or deactivation of the cost sync on a plan line within a campaign. If the permission is not granted, the user cannot activate the cost sync as it is deactivated by default. Mercury only takes the actual costs from the delivering system if the sync is active. Otherwise, Mercury calculates the costs on the basis of the stored price model.
Use reporting centerAllows the use (filters etc.) of the Reporting Center.
Note: Users only see the content from the categories to which they have been granted access by this right. Furthermore, they require the global role “Use Reporting Center” to use the Reporting Center.
Manage reporting presetsAllows the use and editing of reporting presets in the category settings
Manage projectsAllows projects to be viewed and edited
Manage project rolesAllows the assignment of roles to projects in the category settings
Manage plan item table viewsAllows the user to create and edit views for the tables within the campaign planning in the category settings
View billing periodsAllows access to the billing view within a campaign
Comment: Module still under development (alpha)
Edit billing periodsAllows the editing of billing periods when creating a category.
Note: This can only be set once when creating a new category and cannot be changed afterwards.
Comment: Module still under development (alpha)

Please note that we are constantly adapting and developing the roles and rights management to our modules and features.