
Direct input (in %) in the column 'FORECAST: View-Through-Rate'

View-Through-Rate (completed Views)

Direct input (in %) in the column 'FORECAST: View-Through-Rate (completed Views)'



= 'REALIZED: Views (incl. discount-in-kind)' / 'REALIZED: Ad Impressions (incl. discount-on-kind)'

View-Through-Rate (completed Views)

= 'REALZED: Video-Plays 100%' / 'REALIZED: Ad Impressions (incl. discount-in-kind)'

Note: It is also possible to work with both VTRs within a plan item. For example, the View-Through Rate can be used to show the value in relation to a user-defined threshold (e.g. billing base). The View-Through Rate (Completed Views), on the other hand, always and exclusively refers to the view that has been completely viewed through.