This article lists all metrics and dimensions of third party delivery system available in Mercury .
Google Campaign Manager 360
Delivery systems
Facebook Business Manager
The realized values for these dimensions/metrics are automatically updated daily in Mercury through Adserver synchronization.
- Date
- Client Id
- Client Name
- Campaign Id
- Campaign Name
- Line Item Id
- Line Item Name
- Mercury UUID
- Medium Id
- Medium Name
- Tag Id
- Tag Name
- Ad Id
- Ad Name
- (Tracking Point Id)
- (Tracking Point Name)
- Impressions
- Viewable Impressions
- Measurable Impressions
- Clicks
- Video play starts
- Video plays 25%
- Video plays 50%
- Video plays 75%
- Video plays 100%
- Conversions post click
- Revenue post click
- Conversions post view
- Revenue post view
- (Cost Media) -> Facebook only
This list will be updated as soon as new ad server direct connections have been established.