In order for a Mercury user to be able to view and optionally edit both inventory items and inventory packages in the inventory management, he/she must be given the appropriate rights beforehand.

  1. Navigate to the inventory management and click on the tab "Pools".
  2. From the pool list, find the inventory pool for which you want to add a new user. 
  3. Click on "Manage access" in the rightmost row of the pool.
  4. A new overview opens in which you will already find all the users assigned to the pool, including the assigned rights. 
  5. There you can now: 
    1. Add new users to this pool by clicking on the button "+ Add permission" in the top right-hand corner and assign them read and/or write rights.
    2. or revoke all permissions from users who have already been created by clicking on the button with the same name.
  6. To leave the pool overview, click, for example, on the link path at the top left or on one of the tabs in the menu bar at the top right.