This article describes how to send, save and reuse customised views in the planning interface.
Mercury Media provides a number of options for customising the planning interface. Users can choose
between a variety of options for viewing information for different user groups
(e.g., planning, accounting, customer, etc.) or user scenarios
(initial planning, campaign optimisation, discount assessment, etc.).
This article gives you more information about the different configuration options.
Saving in the browser
Mercury Media saves the latest view used by the user for a certain planning scenario in the browser
locally on the user’s computer.
This can be interpreted in the following meanings:
- that different users working on the same campaign or the same scenario can use their own
individual view option - that if users reopen a media plan on a different computer or in a different browser they
may encounter a different view from the one they last used.
Saving in the URL
In the planning interface (either in the media plan or the offer list), the URL in the browser contains
all the information that determines the view option in Mercury Media.
Sending view options
From the planning view, users can copy out the URL from the address line at any time and to send
it on to other users. Upon clicking on the link, the recipient sees the view that was active when the
link that was sent was originally copied.
However, the recipient must be authorized to view the displayed information.
If the recipient does not have access to the campaign category, they will see an error message.
Using bookmarks
If users want to switch between different views in the same scenario, they can create a bookmark for the
current view.
In Chrome (our preferred browser for Mercury Media), you can use the keyboard shortcuts “Strg-D”
(Windows) or “Cmd-D” (Mac) to create bookmarks.
Using bookmarklets to save in local storage
Use bookmarklets to save your current view in the browser’s local storage for use in later campaigns.
You can configure and save an unlimited number of views.
Save certain views (e.g. planning, optimisation or reporting) and use them for any campaign you want.
Create bookmarklets to save and load views
1. On any Mercury page and create a new bookmark
2. Editing bookmarks. Name the bookmark “Save view”
3. Replace the link with the “Code for saving a view” provided below

Code for saving a view
javascript:(function(){var locationString=window.location.href;var fragment=locationString.substr(locationString.lastIndexOf('/')+1);fragment=fragment.replace(/\-[0-9]+/g,"SCENARIO_ID");var storageName=prompt('Please enter a name for storing the view.');localStorage.setItem("viewConfig_"+storageName,fragment);})()
Code for loading a view
javascript:(function(){var locationString=window.location.href;var baseUrl=locationString.substr(0,locationString.lastIndexOf('/'));var scenarioId=baseUrl.substr(baseUrl.lastIndexOf('/')+1);var storageName=prompt('Please enter the name of the view you want to open.');var fragment=localStorage.getItem("viewConfig_"+storageName);if(fragment != null){var finalUrl=fragment.replace(/SCENARIO_ID/g,"-"+scenarioId);window.location.href=finalUrl;window.location.reload(true);} else {alert('We could not find a view by that name...')}})()
Using bookmarklets to save a view
- Configure your planning interface according to your needs.
- Click on the “Save view” bookmark.
- Enter a name for the view.
- Click “OK”.
- Write down the view’s name.
Using bookmarklets to load a view
- Navigate to the desired scenario.
- Click on the “Load view” bookmark.
- Enter the name of the view you want to use for the plan.
- Click “OK” and wait for the page with the desired view to reload.